6 Myths You May Believe About Drinking

The content on AlcoholRehab.com is brought to you by American Addiction Centers , a nationwide network of leading substance abuse and behavioral treatment facilities. According to the National Institutes of Health, treating an alcoholic with compassion and empathy is more effective than confrontation and shame. Family members should help the alcoholic realize how much their drinking is hurting themselves and others and persuade him or her to enter a treatment program. The reality is that alcohol is selectively addictive. All of the causes of alcoholism are not yet known, but researchers do know that only people who are predisposed for alcoholism become addicted. Other people may drink frequently and heavily without becoming alcoholic.

For that, we can look dopamine and changes to the brain for answers. The world of addiction is often misunderstood by those on the outside.

Myths About Alcoholism

Though some people may be able to perform day-to-day tasks while abusing alcohol, known as a functioning alcoholic, it does not mean they don’t have an addiction. Instead, the habits or patterns you adopt when drinking alcohol are more indicative of whether you are struggling with alcohol addiction. Alcohol Myths About Alcoholism addiction is a serious and dangerous behavior that affects thousands of people across the nation. With endless information about alcohol abuse at your fingertips, it can be difficult to know what to believe. People do not recover from illnesses by simply resolving that they will stop being sick!

Learn the difference between the two here, plus how to get support. Teens who start drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to develop alcohol dependence later on in life. With all cases of addiction, a person never chooses or intends to become dependent on a drug – alcoholism is no different. A person cannot control their dependence on alcohol once they have developed it. Constant alcohol use changes the chemicals in the brain and its desires. This makes it near impossible for a person to control how much they drink by themselves. With all of these myths cleared up, you may be wondering where to seek out treatment for alcohol addiction.

Myth #9: Alcoholics Anonymous Aa Is Only For Religious People

As a result, they have an increased risk for developing AUD. Someone who misuses alcohol, especially over the long-term, can experience permanent liver, heart, or brain damage. One of the dangerous myths about alcoholism is that a person cannot truly be an alcoholic if he or she is still able to hold down a job. In fact, countless alcoholics do still manage to function. However, unless a high-functioning alcoholic recognizes that he or she has a problem and seeks help, his or her drinking will eventually catch up to them. This may take the form of legal trouble, marriage problems, or job loss. To someone who has not struggled with alcoholism or addiction it can be easy to assume that the solution to quitting is to just have willpower.

While some people do lose everything before they decide to seek treatment, individuals should and do seek help before they reach this point. You can seek help at any stage in your drinking – whether it’s the first time you binge drink or you’ve been drinking habitually for 25 years. There’s no line you must cross before it becomes “bad enough”. You can and should seek treatment any moment you feel you need help. There are many misconceptions about alcoholism that can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.

In addition, alcohol withdrawal can make you more sensitive to pain. At the same time, chronic heavy drinking can lead to permanent nerve damage. Both binge drinking and alcohol use disorder can have health consequences.

Misconceptions About Alcoholism

A person’s spouse, children, co-workers, friends, and family can all be affected by their alcoholism. One of the many myths about alcoholism includes the idea that alcoholism means you’ve hit ‘rock bottom’.

Many drinkers brag about being able to have a few drinks and not feel it. In fact, if you need to drink more to feel the effects of alcohol, it is a sign of a bigger problem.

  • In fact, nearly nine out of 10 (97.7%) of those studied who relapsed said that they had stayed in touch with drug using friends.
  • (Here, a glass is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 1/2 ounces of liquor).
  • Sobriety isn’t supposed to handicap us; it’s meant to bolster us.
  • These are usually luxury addiction centers, packed with amenities.
  • Every Google search seems to bring in another reason “why” I am an alcoholic accompanied with the latest and greatest get well now with some miraculous new remedy.

This is one of the myths about alcoholism that aren’t true. While it isn’t as detrimental as the others on this list, it’s important to not be narrow-minded when it comes to alcoholism treatment. People may believe that suffering from alcoholism is an isolated event. However, this is one of many myths about alcoholism that just aren’t true. In fact, it’s quite the opposite when it comes to who is affected by alcoholism. Alcohol abuse not only affects the person but everyone around them as well.

My drinking often prevents me from handling my responsibilities at home and work. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

Contact us today and find out how you to can live a life free from addiction. There are purported benefits, as well as pitfalls, to consuming alcohol. Once it enters your system, it triggers immediate physiological changes in the brain, heart, and liver, among other organs.

What Does It Mean To Be sober Curious?

Perhaps one of the most disheartening myths about alcoholism is that getting sober is impossible. Another version of this is that people think they can overcome alcoholism alone – neither of these myths is true. Getting on the road to recovery and reaching sobriety is possible and achievable for anyone willing to put in the work. It is not an easy road but it is definitely not impossible. When this breaking point is hit a person will experience withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking – some of these can be very painful and stressful. Some alcoholics are able to show a bit of self control over their drinking.

Movies will sometimes portray those with alcohol addiction issues as some kind of lower tier of humanity. Even police will sometimes stigmatize those who drink or use substances and will treat them differently than people who are sober. The truth is that the majority of Americans have consumed alcohol at some time in their lives.

Long after an individual leaves alcohol rehab, he or she must put in effort every day to maintain sobriety. Many alcoholics have relapsed because they think that having just one or two drinks every now and then is harmless.

Alcoholism Myth #2: People Who Become Alcoholics Are Trying To Deal With Psychological And Emotional Problems

This view of beer can give people a false sense of security. The reality is that beer continues alcohol and some of the stronger beers can contain high levels of alcohol.

Frankly put, abusing any kind of alcohol is not good for your health. Myths about alcohol addiction are misleading and can have far-reaching effects. Common misconceptions about alcohol abuse can discourage people from seeking treatment and perpetuate harmful information. Unrealistic expectations of recovery are dangerous because it can lead to disillusionment and relapse.

When it comes to alcohol, the line between myth and fact can be blurry. Chemical dependency specialist Joseph Janesz, PhD,helps clear up the confusion below. The use of alcohol is a significant risk of dementia. Alcohol withdrawal can cause symptoms of seizures, hallucinations, and even death.

  • Alcohol can also stunt sexual performance in both males and females.
  • RecoveryGo virtual outpatient addiction and mental health treatment directly to you.
  • Throughout the decades, researchers have made colossal steps to understand what alcoholism is and how it affects a person.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption can put you at risk of health problems such as heart disease, stroke, liver disease, sleeping problems, and some types of cancer.

This is a type of cognitive dissonance, and it could not be further from the truth. It was only when people become sober that they realize how boring and limited their life was during the midst of their addiction. Sobriety usually means that the individual does not have enough hours in the day to do all the things they want to do. Boring is rarely a problem for people who have built a life in sobriety. This is a type of amnesia that people experience when they are inebriated. This can be a particularly distressing symptom because the individual will have no idea about what they’ve been up to.

Myths You May Believe About Drinking

This means that they might only drink at certain times of the day, and they may even have dry days each week. By doing this they can fool themselves, and loved ones, that they are not really alcoholics. The fact that the individual has to try so hard to control their drinking is an obvious sign that something is not right. He is the Clinical Director and Co-Founder of Nsight Psychology & Addiction. Dr. Grosso continued his education and received a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology with a Specialty in treating Chemical Dependency.

Myths About Alcoholism

Most people need to drink more than a moderate amount to relieve pain. Also, as you develop a tolerance for alcohol, you will need to drink more to get the same pain relief.

The overwhelming onslaught of dopamine cause the brain to make less of the chemical and reduce the amount of dopamine receptors. As a result, addicts feel less pleasure in response to everyday stimuli. In a triple whammy, as addiction rolls on, tolerance increases so that it takes https://ecosoberhouse.com/ more of the drug to feel the same level of pleasure. They turn to a substance to restore a better state of mind – or at least to mask the problem for a while. Rancho Milagro Recovery is a leading provider for addiction treatment specializing in evidence-based treatment.

Over a long period of time, alcoholism can progress until a person is physically dependent on alcohol. Unfortunately, because of the social stigma surrounding alcoholism, many individuals go undiagnosed and continue to struggle. This stigma also feeds into the myths that we will discuss below. Scientists and addiction professionals agree that alcoholism needs to be treated just like other health conditions such as asthma or high blood pressure. Anyone is susceptible to developing an alcohol addiction or alcohol use problem. A person does not need to have character flaws, be sick or suffering, or have a hard time managing stress, to develop an alcohol problem. Anyone has the potential to develop an addiction, and once a person is dependent on alcohol, it is very difficult to quit.

Interesting Alcohol Facts

Often my thoughts are consumed by drinking, and I can’t think about anything else. Many of my days are filled with drinking, being sick from drinking, and recuperating from drinking. Our knowledge on this topic comes from many years of experience.